Food Investment and local growing

Food Investment and local growing

 Good news to be grown locally, with less energy, water and feed.

(Photo Credit: 16:9clue/Flickr)


Move over energy giants. Big Food faces a similar backlash as an industry that’s turning a tidy profit amid a plethora of globe-spanning cost-of-living crises.

Anti-poverty charity Oxfam released a report on Monday calling for governments to impose windfall taxes on large food companies. “Very large food and energy companies are making excessive profits,” Oxfam International’s executive director Gabriela Bucher told the AP. The greed-shaming was timed to coincide with The World Economic Forum kicking off in Davos — so the world’s wealthiest may feel a little more guilty, or at least press-shy, as they snack on vol au vents.


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